The Cossack ensemble “Russian Will” was created at the initiative of Veniamin Novotochinov in the spring of 2009. First who supported idea of formation of professional choral collective, were Svetlana Novotochinova and Andrey Kargopolov. Gradually Svetlana Chebanko, Lidiya Dedyaeva, Vladimir Brinchugov, Sergey Kulikov and Sergey Alekseev were the main part. At large concerts the collective is presented in full strength in which Ekaterina Pakalyuk, Andrey Gabov, Anton Kornev participate. And also instrumentalists: Dmitry Krivenkov (percussions), Dmitry Stukalov (bass), Sergey Vinogradov (pipe, pipe), Dmitry Alekseev (trombone). The folklore ensemble “Russian Will” not simply group of actors, is solid group of the young people in love with the Russian national and Cossack song. It is team of the adherents interested in development and strengthening of traditional Russian culture, in particular in development of song tradition of Cossacks.
The folklore ensemble “Russian Volya” always keeps up to date and therefore constantly works on repertoire and ways of its giving. One of the main tasks of collective – to inform to the listener to an energy drink of traditional national singing, binding choral sounding with modern arrangement. Thus the general sounding remains original and unlike execution of a set of other collectives.
Besides choral singing, actors skillfully own many ancient musical instruments that very much helps at signing up of musical arrangements in studios, and also on concert performances. The tools include both quite famous tools and rather rare. Among them an accordion, a bayan, a balalaika, a guitar, a bass guitar, a drum set, a pipe, a trombone, a psaltery, an ocarina, the Vladimir horn, a zhaleyka, a kalyuka, a tambourine ит.д.
Our awards
Actors of the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya” consist in the register of TsKV (the Central Cossack Society) led by the ataman. The ensemble closely cooperates with TsKV and takes part in support and development of traditional Cossack culture.
the national culture is That for us?
As Nikolay Trubetskoy told: “Only having comprehended the culture, the nature, the essence with perfect clarity and completeness, the person is capable to remain original, minutes without conflicting with himself, without deceiving neither itself, nor others. And only in this establishment of harmony and integrity of the personality the highest happiness, achievable on the earth consists”.
We very much hope that our matter in development of national art will help you to be acquainted with national culture and the national song in particular