Dear friends! The Cossack chorus “Russian Volya” offers bright concert performances for such important events in life as Birthday and Anniversary! Undoubtedly, it is the most long-awaited holiday for which we so wait! It is a holiday for which all most important and welcome guests gather: friends, native, and also fellow workers. To celebrate a holiday brightly and you can make evening rather memorable together with ensemble of the Cossack song “Russian Volya”!
Spirit of the Cossacks in each of us! Really, many conduct the family tree and are proud of that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were nice representatives of the Cossack childbirth. But even those who doesn’t know about it, looking at incendiary performance of the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya”, start feeling in themselves spirit of a kakhachestvo. The Cossack songs, undoubtedly, will be pertinent in entertainment program of a holiday. All with pleasure will echo together with Cossacks such known songs as: “Ljubo, brothers, Ljubo”, “Not for me will come spring”, “Raspryagayte, boys, horses”, “When we were at war”, “Oysya you ойся”, “A black raven”, “Oh, at a luzhka” and other fallen in love Cossack songs. But performance of the Cossack ensemble it not only songs! The program is very various spectacular dancing numbers, tricks with checkers, lashes and interesting Cossack ceremonies.

Performance takes place on one breath even if it lasts without interruption 40 minutes and more. The program includes incendiary interactive numbers with guests. The audience will become participants of national Cossack games, entertainments and quadrilles. The ceremony dedication in atamans is very popular. The hero of the occasion dress in a felt cloak, put on a papakha and hand a checker. Cossacks will check the fortress of a hand and strength of mind in the old known way. The hero of the anniversary, directly from a checker, has to enjoy the cup with vodka offered by Cossacks – “in health and on many summer”. This good tradition is followed by the health velichalny song performed by Russian Volya ensemble and an applause of guests. At will, all ammunition can be donated the hero of the anniversary. The birthday man can in addition order any other Cossack attributes as a gift. The most frequent gifts it is a dagger, a checker, a papakha, a felt cloak, the book, a female Cossack scarf and other. Also, the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya” suggests to organize the birthday man’s meeting at an entrance to restaurant, office or other estimated institution. Even small, but bright performance will leave pleasant impressions at the hero of the anniversary and will be remembered for long time. We invite to visit a full photo album from different anniversaries and birthdays – a photo from anniversaries

In more detail the program can be discussed by phone 8-926-573-67-31