List of the main performances of ensemble of the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya”
1. To everything, with everything the boy was happy (a dance tune of the Don Cossacks)
2. Prolyagala way, path (marching Don Cossacks)
3. Oh, a frost, a frost (Cossack gulebny with pripevka)
4. Raspryagayte boys of horses (dance tune of the Zaporozhye Cossacks)
5. Oh, at a luzhka (the Kuban Cossacks – love)
6. Not for me the spring (the Cossack romance) will come
7. When we were at war (the Author – David Samoylov)
8. At gate a pine green (a dance tune of the Siberian Cossacks)
9. The lodge is above the river (waltz)
10. Oh and the small river runs (comic the Don Cossacks)
11. Semenovna (chastushkas)
12. Sing, the maid, stand (a dance tune of the Don Cossacks)
13. Skhotel of Turks to be at war (marching the terskikh of Cossacks)
14. There were two brothers (lyrical)
15. And I am dark (Comic the Kuban Cossacks)
16. Ljubo, brothers (lyrics)
17. Here the bullet whizzed
18. Dance “Eagle-hen”
19. Not a spot of a tuchushka (акапелло – the grebenskikh of Cossacks)
20. Cossack heart (Cossack romance)
21. You forgive me native (A. Nikolsky)
22. Black raven
23. Ойся, you ойся
24. Panteley
25. The Cossack for Danube went
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Short description of some numbers of the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya”
1. “To everything, with everything the boy was happy” – the song of the Don Cossacks.
With this song the collective appears before the viewer and as if acquaints listeners with future program. In this number of the audience man’s and female dancing, tricks and fighting work as the Cossack Nogai and the real aggressive spirit of the Don Cossacks waits!
2. “Prolyagala a way a path” – Cossack-marching.
Already prepared by the first number, the audience gets to the world of the Tersky Cossacks. Vigorous music, tersky man’s dancing and in the song culmination professional work with a fighting Cossack checker light in heart even the most indifferent viewer delight fire!
3. “Oh, a frost, a frost” – table, gulebny
Based on all a known song the unique, in own way, composition is made. After the intriguing “northern” introduction the first two couplets at vigorous waltz speed which unexpectedly interrupt comic Cossack couplets which simply force the audience to podkhlopyvat in a step sound. At this moment of the Cossack elects to himself the gentleman from visually hall and in dance brings him to a scene. After cheerful dancing the scarf is spread and on the Russian custom of the Cossack kisses the guest three times. Further two more couplets “Oh, a frost, a frost”, after which follow again sounds the pripevka which are already expected by the viewer! Dramatic art that the viewer already waits whom, Cossacks will involve in the action this time! This time there is already a Cossack with the Cossack! Having a little turned round and round among themselves, they go to the auditorium and choose to themselves partners. Further the prepared distributing by which result follows the triple kiss of the chosen guys and the girl is! And it not the final. During an enthusiastic applause of the auditorium sounds of an ancient symphonic waltz rush into composition! Cossacks in couples with Cossacks, and also guests enjoy a fine winter waltz. There will be nothing left to couple in the center how to join the general ball!
4. “The Cossack quadrille” – interactive, dancing number.
After short parenthesises of the Cossack, actors of ensemble, under fervent background music choose to themselves partners for the forthcoming quadrille. At first slowly, then gradually dispersing, guests inevitably get acquainted with the Russian dance from within. Besides pleasure from participation, number in itself is beautiful and from the contemplate point of view.
5. “Yaks an oak” – tselovalny game from Kuban. After a small pause on an applause, under fervent humourous catchphrases of the Cossack leader, the following song starts sounding. All actors of ensemble involve guests in the general circle to which center there is a Cossack beauty and begins this game! A charm of this number also that here isn’t necessary translators at all. 6. “Valiant entertainments” – While the audience, опладируя, take seats in the places, the new entertainment is offered to Cossack leaders: – According to the fulfilled scheme, Cossacks and Cossacks to a scene bring couples of people. The man the Cossack checker is handed, to the girl – a papakha. The task simple, from three attempts the girl has to get a papakha on a checker. (souvenir prizes are possible). Action proceeds before logical end. – Second part of “the Cossack entertainments” the exclusively man’s. “the breaking of a papakha” tournament appears. Girls of ensemble couple of men gets out. Further short both instructing and unforgettable show)))
an enovna” – Chastushkas.
the Program can change depending on the customer’s wishes. It is possible to discuss by phone 8(926)573-67-31 Veniamin in more detail