meeting young Dear friends! The ensemble of the Cossack song and the dance “Russian Volya” offers the bright, traditional and stylized programs for wedding celebrations! Wedding performance of collective is incendiary songs and spectacular dances of Cossacks of different regions performed by of folklore collective “the Russian Will”! The repertoire of ensemble is presented by wedding, table, comic, and also marching and lyrical Cossack songs. Performance is executed by spirit of fun, national color and warm-heartedness. The concert program is very various masterly tricks with checkers (sabers), lashes, interactive numbers with the audience, quadrilles, the training master classes with guests and other Cossack entertainments! High-quality execution supplements a bright external image. Fine concert suits of men precisely represent traditional samples of an ancient Cossack form. And women’s dresses it is expensive, individual handiworks recreated and sewed on drawings of original women’s Cossack dresses of the last centuries. We invite you to visit full a wedding photo album of the Cossack ensemble “the Russian Will”.

Meeting of the young!

the Cossack svadba the Collective of the Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya” studies traditional wedding folklore Don, Kuban, the terskikh and the Ukrainian Cossacks. Besides concert wedding performance the ensemble holds “A meeting young”. This very festive and popular event especially in a warm season. The meeting is usually held open-air about an entrance to restaurant or a banquet room and sets the tone of a holiday till the evening. It is cheerful, noisy, with songs and dancings, bread I will merge also wine, the Cossack chorus will meet the newly married. They should pass some tests for ways to each other heart. Cossacks will check strength of mind and fortress of a hand of future husband, having suggested to enjoy wines a cup directly from a fighting Cossack saber. Young pinch off or bite off bread, and then properly salt it and feed each other. It is considered who will bite off more, that and will be main in a family. The important place is taken by parents who meet the children with an icon and bless a young family on long and happy life.

Repayment of the bride on ancient custom!

the Cossack wedding Repayment of the bride – one more popular ceremony which consigns the roots to the remote past. To old times repayment was carried out in the house at the bride before going to church to get married. The groom and his suite had to overcome a series of tests, that to catch the bride. The ensemble of the Cossack song “Russian Volya” will organize and will carry out repayment on all canons and traditions as that is demanded by ancient Cossack custom. The ceremony of a raspletaniye of a braid of the bride is very interesting and touching. Before the arrival of the groom, girlfriend unplaited her the “maiden” hair, and braided on two “woman’s”. This tradition symbolizes parting with maiden life and transition of the girl to a family of the groom.

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Cossack wedding, Cossack ensemble & quot; Russian Volya"
Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya”

It was so moved that marrying, young pairs seek to make a wedding celebration the brightest and memorable. Therefore to registration in the Registry office many modern couples belong as to formal action, having nothing in common with a holiday as that. Wedding and a feast was one of the most important points of a wedding always. But if wedding it, action rather intimate and personal where there are closest relatives and friends, a feast is almost always planned with big scope! So was and many years ago at the time of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Played a wedding all village. Sang, danced, had fun heartily. Fortunately, stability of national traditions, is simply amazing, and in many families still there were experts on wedding ceremonies and customs. The wedding if at it the ensemble of the Cossack song and the dance “Russian Volya” acts will be especially colourful. Performance of the Cossack chorus at your wedding will become a highlight of all festive evening!

About wedding stories!

Wedding. Cossack ensemble & quot; Russian Volya"
Wedding. Cossack ensemble “Russian Volya”

The wedding was always an important event in life of the Cossack and his bride. With an ulterior motive the old times were told – “to play a wedding”. It is the whole series of various ceremonies, customs, games and traditions in which participated not only representatives of two families of the groom and the bride, but also many residents of the village or village. Prepared for a celebration in advance. Parents chose the bride and the groom as a rule, they also resolved all important issues connected with a holiday equipment. Before a wedding matchmakers several times met that finally about everything to agree and choose date. Walked till some days, and sometimes and the whole week. The wedding in old times is the whole cycle of ceremonies which passed for several weeks and even months. The wedding included some stages which united in themselves the game and practical purpose. As a rule everything began with courtship. Matchmakers were chosen from the most skilled relatives. Good matchmakers had secrets and signs. Courtship was followed by shows. This ceremony still called “domoglyadstvo”. Matchmakers carefully examined the dwelling of the groom and his family as had to be convinced, in that that the bride will be well off also a cosiness. Having satisfied with results of shows, parents of the bride appointed day – handshakes. Handshake, arrangement or a zaruchenye – the ceremony – public courtship so was called. In handshake relatives and the bride’s girlfriends participated. The groom should learn among girls narrowed, to choose and kiss her. After that “parents struck a bargain” and named, thereby agreeing to wedding. Dressed young future husband, in all new, beautiful. The shirt and a belt were done by the bride by the hands. After all preparations the groom and his friends equipped the wedding train and went to the bride.
The wedding feast meant a set of rules and traditions. But of course, as well as now at weddings liked to sing and dance. Sang generally wedding and korilny songs, and also table and love. Good singers and singers were presented and treated with the best dishes. Fun proceeded not less than three days and in every day young, again, it was necessary to follow certain laws, paying a tribute to traditions of ancestors.

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